Translators in Programming Languages In this article, I am going to discuss What is a Translator and its need in Programming Languages. What is a Translator? Always the user’s given instructions are in English, which is called source code. But the computer is not able to understand this source code and theContinue Reading

The numpy.fromiter() function is used to create an ndarray by using a python iterable object. This method mainly returns a one-dimensional ndarray object. Syntax of numpy.fromiter(): Below we have the required syntax to use this function: Parameters: Let us discuss the parameters of the above function: Note: It is important to specify a count parameter in order to improveContinue Reading

This function is used to return evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval. Syntax of numpy.linspace(): The required syntax to use this function is as follows: Parameters: The parameters of the above-mentioned function are as follows: Returned Values: This function will return the array within the range specified. This function willContinue Reading

The numpy.logspace() function in Numpy is used to create an array by using the numbers that are evenly separated on a log scale. Syntax of numpy.logspace(): The syntax to use this function is as follows: Parameters: The parameters of this function are as follows: Returned Values: This function will return the array in theContinue Reading

The numpy.frombuffer() function of the Numpy library is used to create an array by using the specified buffer. This function interprets a buffer as a 1-dimensional array. Syntax of frombuffer(): Given below is the required syntax that is used for numpy.frombuffer() function: Parameters: Let us discuss the parameters of the above constructor: Let us nowContinue Reading

The numpy.asarray() function in Numpy is used to convert the input or any existing data into an array. Syntax of numpy.asarray(): Given below is the basic syntax to use this function: Parameters: Let us discuss the parameters mentioned above for the asarray() function: Returned Values: This function will return an array with all the values from the sequenceContinue Reading

The dot() function is mainly used to calculate the dot product of two vectors. Syntax of The syntax required to use this function is as follows: Parameters: Let us discuss the parameters of this function: Returned Values: The dot() function will return the dot product of a and b. If both a and b are scalars or if both are 1-D arraysContinue Reading

In Numpy, the bitwise_and() function is mainly used to perform the bitwise_and operation. Let us take a look at the truth table of AND operation: If and only if both the bits are 1 only then the output of the AND result of the two bits is 1 otherwise it will be 0. Syntax of bitwise_and():Continue Reading

In Numpy, the bitwise_or() function is mainly used to perform the bitwise_or operation. Given below is the truth table of OR operation where you will see the OR result of the two bits is 1 if one of the bits is 1 otherwise the result will be 0. Syntax of bitwise_or(): The syntax required to use thisContinue Reading

Syntax of numpy.invert(): The syntax required to use this function is as follows: Parameters: Let us now take a look at the parameters of this function: Returned Values: This function will return a scalar if x is scalar. Example 1: In the example below, we will illustrate the usage of the invert() function:Continue Reading