In this article, we will learn how to create a hierarchy in tableau worksheet to do further operations. For this first look into two terms:
- Tableau: Tableau is a very powerful data visualization tool that can be used by data analysts, scientists, statisticians, etc. to visualize the data and get a clear opinion based on the data analysis. Tableau is very famous as it can take in data and produce the required data visualization output in a very short time.
- Hierarchy: Hierarchy is tree-like structure that represents the level-wise configuration. In Tableau, the data with relation can be used to form a hierarchy. Similar and related data are grouped in the form of a hierarchical structure to do further operations.
Dataset used in the given examples is Dataset.
For this we have to follow some steps :
Open the Tableau tool and connect a dataset into it. Drag and drop the one sheet of the connected dataset. Click on sheet1 to open the tableau worksheet. On clicking Sheet1 you will get whole dataset attributes on the left side and a worksheet for work
Creating Hierarchy
- By click hierarchy

- By Drag and drop

- By selecting fields and create

Removing Hierarchy