Filtering is the process of removing specific values from a result set. Tableau filtering feature allows both simple scenarios using field values and advanced calculation or context-based filters.
In Tableau, there are three types of basic filters as follows:
- Filters Dimensions: Filter dimensions are the filters applied to the dimension fields.
- Filters Measures: Filter measures are the filters applied to the measure fields.
- Filter Dates: Filter dates are the filters applied on the date fields.
Filters Dimensions
These filters are applied to the dimension fields only. Below examples include filtering based on categories of numeric values or text values with logical expressions less than, or greater than conditions. In dimension filters, you can use only values to filter.
For example, consider a data source such as Sample – Superstore, to apply dimension filters on the sub-category of products.History of Java
We have to create a view for showing profit for each sub-category of products according to their shipping mode.
- Drag the dimension field Sub-Category to the Rows shelf
- And, the measure field profit to the Columns shelf.

- Next, drag the Sub-Category dimension to the Filters shelf to open the Filter dialog box.
- And, click on the None button at the bottom of the list to deselect all segments.
- Then, select the Exclude option in the lower right corner of the dialog box.
- Last, select Labels and Storage and click on OK button. The below screenshot shows the result with the excluded above two categories.

Filters Measures
These filters are applied only on the measure fields. In measures filter, you can use calculations based on fields.
For example, consider a data source such as Sample – Superstore, to apply dimension filters on the average value of the profits.
- Create a view with ship mode and sub-category as dimensions and Average of Profit as shown in the below screenshot:

- Then, drag the profit value to the filter pane. Choose Average as the filter mode and click the Next button.

- After that, choose At least and give value to filter the rows, which meet this criteria and click on OK button.

- After all of the above steps, you get the final view that showing only the sub-categories whose average Profit is greater than 25 in the below screenshot:

Filter Dates
Tableau distributes the date field in three different ways while applying the date field. It can apply filter by taking a relative date as compared to today, a perfect date, or Range of dates. Each of these options presented when a date field is dragged out of the filter pane.
For example, consider a data source such as sample – Superstore and,
- Create a view with Order Date in the column shelf and Profit in the rows shelf as shown in the below screenshot.

- Then, drag the Order Date field to the filter shelf and choose Range of dates in the filter dialog box and click on the Next button.

- After that, choose the dates and click on the OK button as shown in the below screenshot.

- After all of the above steps, you get the final view that showing chosen Range of dates shown in the below screenshot.