Introduction to Statistics
o o Measures of Central Tendency
o o Mean (Average)
o o Mode
o o Quartile
Probability Distributions
o o Introduction to Probability
Hypothesis Testing
o o Normality Test
o o P Value
o o T-Test
o o Z – Test
o o ANOVA Test
o o Variance, Covariance, and Correlation
Numpy Package
o o Difference Between List and Numpy Array
o o Vector and Matrix Operations
o o Array Indexing and Slicing
Panda Package
How to Load Datasets
o o From CSV
o o From HTML Table
Accessing Data from Dataframe
o o at and iat
o o loc and iloc
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
o o describe()
o o groupby()
o o crosstab()
o o boolean slicing / query()
Data Manipulation & Cleaning
o o Adding Removing Rows and Column
o o Sorting Data
Categorical Data Encoding
o o Label Encoding
o o One Hot Encoding
Data Visualization using matplotlib and seaborn packages
o o Scatter Plot, Line Plot, Bar Plot
o o Jointplot, Pairplot, Heatmap