NumPy add() function

The add() function basically returns element-wise string concatenation for two arrays.

Note: If you want to concatenate two arrays then both arrays needs to be of the same shape.

Syntax of add():

The syntax required to use this function is as follows: m1

numpy.char.add(x1, x2)

The above syntax indicates that add() function takes two parameters.


Let us now take a look at the parameters of this function:

  • x1 This parameter indicates the first array to be concatenated (and it is concatenated at the beginning)
  • x2 This parameter indicates the second array to be concatenated (and it is concatenated at the end)

Returned Values:

This method will return an output array of either string_ or unicode_ which depends on input types of the same shape as x1 and x2.

Example 1:

The code snippet is as follows where we will use the add() function:

import numpy as np 

x1 = ['Hello'] 
x2 = ['ShishirKant!'] 
print("The Input arrays are : ") 

result = np.char.add(x1, x2) 
print("\nThe Resultant concatenated array is :") 


The Input arrays are : 
['Hello'] ['ShishirKant!'] 

The Resultant concatenated array is : 

Example 2:

Now we will apply this function on two arrays that contain multiple elements and will see the output:

import numpy as np 

x1 = ['Welcome', 'to', 'ShishirKant'] 
x2 = ['Best Place', 'Forlearning', 'Coding'] 
print("The Input arrays are : ") 

result = np.char.add(x1, x2) 
print("\nThe Resultant concatenated array is :") 


The Input arrays are : 
['Welcome', 'to', 'ShishirKant'] 
['Best Place', 'Forlearning', 'Coding'] 

The Resultant concatenated array is : 
['WelcomeBest Place' 'toForlearning' 'ShishirKantCoding']
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