Control Statements in C:
Control Statements are the statements that alter the flow of execution and provide better control to the programmer on the flow of execution. They are useful to write better and more complex programs. A program executes from top to bottom except when we use control statements, we can control the order of execution of the program, based on logic and values.
In C, control statements can be divided into the following three categories:
- Selection Statements or Branching statements (ex: if-else, switch case, nested if-else, if-else ladder)
- Iteration Statements or looping statements (ex: while loop, do-while loop, for-loop)
- Jump Statements (ex: break, continue, return, goto)

C Control Statements are used to write powerful programs by repeating important sections of the program and selecting between optional sections of a program.
In the next article, I am going to discuss If else Selection Statements in C with examples. Here, in this article, I try to explain what is Control Statements in C, and their type. I hope you enjoy this Control Statements in C Language article. I would like to have your feedback. Please post your feedback, question, or comments about this Control Statements in the C Language article.