Adding user-defined functions in C Library
In this article, I am going to discuss the Adding user-defined functions in C Library with an example. Please read our previous articles, where we discussed the Recursive Functions in C.
How to Add user-defined functions in C Library?
- Do you know that we can add our own user-defined functions to the C library?
- Yes. It is possible to add, delete, modify, and access our own user-defined function to or from the C library.
- The advantage of adding a user-defined function in the C library is, that this function will be available for all C programs once added to the C library.
- We can use this function in any C program as we use other C library functions.
- In the latest version of GCC compilers, compilation time can be saved since these functions are available in the library in the compiled form.
- Normal header files are saved as “file_name.h” in which all library functions are available. These header files contain source code and this source code is added in the main C program file where we add this header file using the “#include <file_name.h>” command.
- Whereas, precompiled versions of header files are saved as “file_name.gch”.
Steps for adding our own functions in C Library:
STEP 1: For example, below is a sample function that is going to be added to the C library. Write the below function in a file and save it as “addition.c”
addition(int i, int j) { int total; total = i + j; return total; }
STEP 2: Compile the “addition.c” file by using Alt + F9 keys (in turbo C).
STEP 3: “addition.obj” file would be created which is then compiled form of the “addition.c” file.
STEP 4: Use the below command to add this function to the library (in turbo C).
c:\> tlib math.lib + c:\ addition.obj
+ means adding c:\addition.obj file in the math library.
We can delete this file using – (minus).
STEP 5: Create a file “addition.h” & declare prototype of addition() function like below.
int addition (int i, int j);
Now, the addition.h file contains a prototype of the function “addition”.
Note: Please create, compile, and add files in the respective directory as the directory name may change for each IDE.
STEP 6: Let us see how to use our newly added library function in a C program.
# include <stdio.h> // Including our user defined function. # include “c:\\addition.h” int main () { int total; // calling function from library total = addition (10, 20); printf ("Total = %d \n", total); }
Output: Total = 30